We are John & Judy Ramella. We are high school sweethearts who will be married 40 years very soon. We have two adult children and two adopted children. We are the proud Pop & Mimi to our three beautiful Grandchildren. I own and operate U.J. Ramelson, Inc. which is a multigenerational company. This is not a business for me but a hobby in the truest sense. I am semi-retired and work from home and decided to get back into breeding Goldens again. We breed and raised puppies in the late 1990’s but life happened. We are ethical breeders who strive to produce the highest quality puppies we possible can. For the eight weeks we are raising puppies, our life revolves around them. They are never left alone in our home. Someone is always at home with them. We reduce our social lives to make sure we are spending as much possible time training and preparing our puppies for your homes.